Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Manaiakalani - Digital Fluency Intensive - Session One, Reflection

What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy?

We learnt a brief history of Manaikalani. We were reminded about how little technology was used in the classrooms when they started back in 2006. This changed over the years and a trust was set up to help families purchase devices by leasing them for three years. a teachers dashboard was developed, this is Hapara which is still used today. The teacher can sign into the dashboard and all the students' documents, emails and blogs are there. The components of the Learn, Share and create pedagogy contribute to learning.

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?

I learnt the importance of having a system to name my files. By filing documents under the year it will be easier to find files and improve my workflow as a professional.

What did I learn that could be used with my learners?  

We learnt a lot of tips and tricks for using Goggle docs. We learnt how to create a table of contents in a document, the benefits for students to using the Explore tool, how to use tables, how to create titles and headings and how to apply the same formatting throughout the document. The most useful tool I can use with my students is using the Voice to Type tool. This will help all my students who struggle with writing.

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life?

The tool that I would most use in my personal life would be removing backgrounds from photos. I loved playing with this.

I was pleased with how my Goggle Doc developed. I have always used Microsoft Office, so Google Doc is new to me. I often felt frustrated
because I could not find the tools I used with MSWord, I am now learning where to find them and am learning more tips. I would like to know how to convert Documents. MS Office documents to Google and Google links, and have included links to the relevant pages on my website. What I failed to do was read the instructions. There was no requirement for links because in this format they don't work. Check out my website: www.bluespurmilkandhoney.co.nz


  1. Hi Miriam. Wasn't that session on voice typing great! It is wonderful to see you are looking at how to implement your new skills within your classroom. I also agree about the remove background app. I use this one a lot, and it is a fun one for students to use.

    1. Thanks Deborah, I found some of the parts of the blog harder than I thought, I have been developing websites for years. I did design my document with hyperlinks that worked for the document but not for the log. Thanks for all your help

  2. Miriam, your blog looks great and I also love the voice typing ..have used that a few times already last year- but feel more confident in encouraging the students to use as well!!..thank you so much for all your help (not sure I would have got through without your help!!) yikes hyperlinks, editing photos and headings are still on my to do list...so much to learn!!
