Friday, July 31, 2020

Manaiakalani - Digital Fluency Intensive - Session Two, Reflection

Session two

So much to learn, we touched on so much, and still a lot of new tips. 

What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani great Kaupapa and pedagogy?

Manaiakalani  Goals -to raise achievement outcomes:
We need to motivate our learners to engage in the curriculum
Provide a model for future focussed teaching and learning
Work with learners to establish an authentic audience for their learning outcomes
Empower our learners with an evidence-based belief that their personal voice is valuable and powerful

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?

This has given me suggestions on how I can reorganise my calendar and my Gmail. This would certainly help my workflow a professional

What did I learn that could be used with my learners?

There were lots of ideas I could use with my learner. s Some of the key messages for me are about High Leverage Practices.
  1. Learning by reading from authentic texts
  2. Learning by sharing ideas in discussion
  3. Learning by thinking critically and developing strategies
  4. Collaboration and making choices in learning, creating and sharing.

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life?

I started using GoggleKeep,  this would be great for sharing my shopping list with my husband, keeping those recipes I come across in one place, not scraps of paper in a draw and for taking notes of urgent things I need to remember - now to get Keep organised.

Below are my notes:

Hot tips
We started by learning some Hot Tips using Hapara. I don't have any classes set up in Hapapa if we click on 'all classes' we get to see all the classes we may want access to. We can click into the Star to star all of our classes.


Dorothy talked  through her slides on "Ako" the Manaiakalani Programme,

Some of my notes from the slide shows-

Learn - Ako. Access and engage in a digital learning environment.

"Using the Learn, Create Share framework to manage learning in a digital environment that is truly Visible through Goggle Sites leading Learning, Bloggingsharing outcomes and highly effective teaching practice has enabled this accelerated rate of progress" Professor Stuart McNaughton

Ako, Hauga and Tohatoha.She said the common language allows for the difference in schools. 
The Goals of the DFI directly relate to goal 4. As adult learners 

Effective Practice

Recognise effective practice - 

High leverage practices
Work - old school in classic class as well as digital classes
What does 'learn ' look like in our school?

Amplify effective practice

Giving and get leverage online
Environment to look for resources and share
Teachers share effective practice

Turbocharge effective practice

Transform the way we learn
offer new experiences 
offer new opportunities
Turbocharge- redefine/modify the way we teach

Dorothy gave an example of a Treaty Lesson
Recognise: old school resources
Amplify: build on these
Turbocharge- things the students would not have had the opportunity to do before

Important- rewindable learning - 
Every child should learn in ways not possible before

To remind myself of the pedagogy of Mananaikalani, I need to look at the slideshow again. 


Maria took us through Goggle Meet
Think how you might use Meet in a different way?

When presenting, use your entire screen for slides
When you want sound, a video clip, use a chrome tab. 

Goggle Keep

Dorothy took us through Goggle Keep
The first thing to do is to add a label
Can be used for signatures, at conferences, shared shopping lists 
recipe collections
You can take a photo of text and convert it to text, it will convert handwriting to text
Takes voice memos
Use dots at the top, click on record, voice to text option
I could use GoggleKeep for TAs to record where they are at with students 


Kelsey talked us through some tips for Gmail
Settings- Default, Comfortable or Compact

Inbox type:, unread- sitting on top
Conversation view
Filters- inbox only
This has emails you need to action, the rest sit at the side

Use labels - acts as a folder- Goggleplus
Starring- Conservation view- groups together
Send and archive- archive not deleted as long as you have labeled it
Schedule send

Goggle Calendar

Tips and tricks in your calendar
View- Change how your calendar looks
Multiple Calendars- Managing your life
Events- Creating and scheduling Events
Phone Apps
Useful Tools - shortcuts

Taming your Tabs

Nicola talked us through organising your tabs

Other resources:

Embedding a Video

We learned how to embed a video, lots of new skills here but it worked in the end

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Manaiakalani - Digital Fluency Intensive - Session One, Reflection

What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy?

We learnt a brief history of Manaikalani. We were reminded about how little technology was used in the classrooms when they started back in 2006. This changed over the years and a trust was set up to help families purchase devices by leasing them for three years. a teachers dashboard was developed, this is Hapara which is still used today. The teacher can sign into the dashboard and all the students' documents, emails and blogs are there. The components of the Learn, Share and create pedagogy contribute to learning.

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?

I learnt the importance of having a system to name my files. By filing documents under the year it will be easier to find files and improve my workflow as a professional.

What did I learn that could be used with my learners?  

We learnt a lot of tips and tricks for using Goggle docs. We learnt how to create a table of contents in a document, the benefits for students to using the Explore tool, how to use tables, how to create titles and headings and how to apply the same formatting throughout the document. The most useful tool I can use with my students is using the Voice to Type tool. This will help all my students who struggle with writing.

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life?

The tool that I would most use in my personal life would be removing backgrounds from photos. I loved playing with this.

I was pleased with how my Goggle Doc developed. I have always used Microsoft Office, so Google Doc is new to me. I often felt frustrated
because I could not find the tools I used with MSWord, I am now learning where to find them and am learning more tips. I would like to know how to convert Documents. MS Office documents to Google and Google links, and have included links to the relevant pages on my website. What I failed to do was read the instructions. There was no requirement for links because in this format they don't work. Check out my website: